Friday 19 August 2016

The Chagford Show

A day at the Chagford Show

Having to work in the morning, we didn't arrive until lunchtime, by which time the forecasted wind, rain and cloud has disappeared and we were left with a hot, sticky afternoon and two children inappropriately dressed.  So, first fail of the day, two children in proper trousers and a buggy full of coats, jumpers and raincovers. Gotta love the great British weather, although shouldn't complain about a sunny afternoon! 

We came to the show last year and I've gotta say, I just love it. So local and a really nice size.  I know that's a bit of a strange description, but we've ventured to the Devon County Show many times in my life and, although it's a good day, it seems to have lost a bit of its local charm and it is so big and busy, it is exhausting! Chagford is just big enough; easy to see everything with the babies and lots of local farms showing, and bands etc.

A quick stomp across the parking field and we were greeted by the dog show.  I just love this.  Less formal than the other shows I've seen, you just sort of rock up with your dog and register, although I'm sure some of those taking part take it very seriously but the kids love watching it. As my little one said in awe "ah, I've never SEEN so many dogs!"

Then it's the animals.  Family friends of ours show their gorgeous sheep, so we popped over to say hello and the kids could see all the different sheep and cows. This is always their favourite bit! T then spies the dreaded bouncy castle and spinning chairs.  Last year she was just a bit too small for the chairs, but this year was perfect (despite the man running them being rather odd and aggressive).  T loved it, our smallest (16 months) not impressed at not being allowed on that or the bouncy castle and that was the beginning of a rather stroppy toddler.  I tried walking away, distraction, snacks, every trick in the book but he's persistent, I'll give him that! He did go on the huge blow up slide though with me (this nearly destroyed me as I was also inappropriately dressed for the weather or any physical exercise for that matter!) The only thing I'd say is £2 per "ride" was massively excessive, although I think this is just what they charge now, seems ridiculously steep to me, and we left the area a good £14 lighter! At least the kids loved it! 

This was pretty much the beginning of the end. We attempted to stroll around the rest of the stalls etc but T was hugely overtired and the boy just didn't know what he wanted.  A whistle-stop-tour of the stalls and we were back in the first field. By this time, the local marching band was in full swing and the kids were engrossed! I seized the opportunity to grab a bag of those revolting but absolutely gorgeous mini warm donuts!! Always taste so good warm! Out went the diet as I devoured most of the bag! (They're just not the same cold!) 

En route to the car, the sheep show was just starting which was brilliant. T (just 3) was transfixed as the fantastic presenter brought out various different breeds to funny music and demonstrated shearing. Really well done.

To quote Topsy and Tim, "and that, said mummy, was that!" Lovely afternoon, even with two fractious little people in tow, (thank goodness for grandparents and additional hands!) just wish we'd assessed the weather a little better! 

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